Cyber_toast 2086 Lore

Welcome to Cyber_toast 2086,

A culinary fusion born from the minds of two Korean chefs in New Zealand.

Drawing inspiration from the cyberpunk genre, our venture marries the rich history of Korea's street toast from the 70s and 80s with the futuristic, dystopian vibes of cyberpunk.

As Seoul itself is hailed as a city of cyberpunk, our identity and flavors encapsulate the spirit of this genre. Cyber_toast 2086 is more than a dining experience; it's a symbol of hope for the lower class, reflecting the resilience found in street societies and cultures depicted in cyberpunk narratives.

Join us for a unique journey where tradition meets the avant-garde, offering a taste of both the past and a brighter, more inclusive future.

Bite for the light.



  • Monday

    7:00_am to 3:00_pm

  • Tuesday - Thursday

    7:00_am to 9:00_pm

  • Friday - Saturday

    9:00_am to 11:00_pm

  • Sunday

    9:00_am to 6:00_pm

  • 8 Commerce Street, Auckland CBD, 1010

  • Glasscannon Group